about us
Imagine stepping into a day where no time is measured, A place where you can feel free to experience creativity and music coming together in a state of timelessness. Where the tick tock of the clock is silenced, and the creativity of the mind is awakened through the magic of releasing negativity from the past and embracing a positive future.
The day out of time comes from the 13 moon calendar. based on a full moon every 28 days and the lunar year being 364 days long. On July 25th, Sirius (the Dog Star) rises with the sun. This day is observed as a day free of time on the lunar calendar. Providing an opportunity to observe
a more complete view of the way time is measured.
This day out of time realigns the lunar calendar with the solar calendar and directs humanity to appreciate our connection to nature and the cosmic processes that the natural reconning of time are derived from.
As a music festival, A Day out Of Time allows us to celebrate this ancient practice as a community of like-minded musicians, artists and fans coming together to experience a place where the aspects of regular life do not follow and the lines between artist, art and fans are blurred.


This is an invitation only private party
the gate will open at 4pm on Friday 7/26.
to get in requires a donation of $30 per day or $50 for the weekend.
The first 250 people who pay will recieve a first annual Day Out Of Time commemorative token. There are 150 two day tokens and 100 single day tokens.
Primitive camping is available on a very limited basis so first come first serve. no set price, just give what you can.
Coolers are welcome as no food or drinks will be served.
This is a private residence, please respect the owners property as your own. The owner reserves the right to eject anyone for any reason, so be cool.
There will be no vehicles allowed on property but there is plenty of parking in designated areas outside the gate.
6550 Old Dixie Hwy
Grant FL 32949